Monthly Archives: October 2022

I’m back and I’m different, but basically the same.

Hi there! Long time no speak.

The last time I wrote on this blog was in 2017, I was pregnant with my baby girl, working for someone else and no one had ever even heard of Covid bloody 19.

Ah, simpler times!

So a lot has changed since then.
I am now a self employed accountant / events consultant / cleaner / artist / fledgling poet.
Oh and a full time mum, home educating my daughter and clearly with all this free time I thought I’d better get back to blogging to fill the empty hours?

No, thats not it, despite my ADHD like tendency to need to be doing 150 things at once.

As we all know the cost of living has gone through the roof. Each week at the supermarket the shop seems to cost more for the same things and everyone is finding it harder and harder to make ends meet.

I am lucky that I grew up with a mum and a nan who were in their own ways excellent cooks – and they both took the time to teach me.
Some of my fondest memories of my childhood are sitting on the worktop helping mum with dinner or standing on a stool with nan making blackberry crumble or jam tarts for afters.
Not everyone had this, and when times are tight the ability to cook and the knowledge of WHAT to cook will see you through a lot with a full belly.

So my return to this blog is going to be aimed at sharing with you some of the recipes, tips and tricks I use to get the most out of my food and my budget.
Since both myself and Mr Curlyhair are gluten intolerant these days expect plenty for that.

I might write about feeding children, but honestly we all know what a nightmare that is and I don’t know how exciting I can make “give them chicken nuggets as long as they eat some fruit and veg – its not worth the fight!”


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